Mix different .Net Framework on Windows 2003 Server

This tutorial is for setting up websites based on .Net Framework 2.0 and 4.0 on windows 2003 server.

Very first thing we should keep in mind that IIS 6.0 application pools do not allow mixed .Net Framework.

Here I am showing pictures for making new application pool in IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0

IIS 6.0 New application pool dialogue

IIS 7.0 New application pool dialogue
As you can see in IIS 6.0 we do not have option for selecting .Net Framework
Steps to setting up mixed .Net Framework(2.0/4.0) on Windows 2003 ServerStep-1We will create two different application pool. I named them DotNet2Pool and DotNet4Pool you can give any name as per your choice.

Step-2Now assign application pool as per .Net requirement of your website as shown in figure

You can check and set your website .Net Framework requirement as shown in below image.

Please make sure do not use .Net Framework 2.0 application pool on ASP.net 4.0 website and vice-versa.



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